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Silwet™ HS-604 Adjuvant


By adding Silwet HS 604 adjuvant to in-can herbicide formulations, such as glyphosate or related products, overall adjuvant use can potentially be reduced, leading to lower operating costs—typically without compromising herbicide performance.


Key Features and Typical Benefits

  • Excellent spreading and adhesion
  • Enhanced uptake, especially with glyphosate
  • Significantly reduced adjuvant rate for in-can herbicides
  • Lower adjuvant level has shown reduced eye irritation effects relative to 12% TAE-loaded glyphosate formulations
  • Low foaming
  • Resistance to the effects of hard water
  • EPA 40 CFR §180.920 approved inert ingredient


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More About Silwet™ HS-604 Adjuvant

With the gradual phaseout of tallow amine polyoxyethylene ether (TAE) surfactants in agriculture, Silwet HS 604 adjuvant offers an alternative to glyphosate formulations with high TAE loads—where Silwet HS 604 adjuvant has shown equal or improved performance in field trials on select weeds.

This flexible co-adjuvant can allow formulators to both customize herbicide formulations, including in-can glyphosates, and to optimize cost. Additionally, Silwet HS-604 adjuvant comes with built-in foam control for ease of use, especially in low use applications.  


*Silwet is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.




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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.