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Silwet™ DA-40 Performance Additive


Silwet DA-40 performance additive is compositionally compliant with certain FDA regulations, so it can be considered for use to improve the dispersion and efficiency of formulated defoamer actives and to improve the performance of brown stock pulp defoamers used in the manufacture of paper and paperboard for indirect food contact. It can enhance pulp drainage by significantly reducing entrained air and associated foam - all without contributing to the formation of harmful dioxins.

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Silwet™ DA-40 Marketing Bulletin

More About Silwet™ DA-40 Performance Additive

Comprised of 100% active products and highly compatible with organic defoamers, Silwet DA-40 performance additive is produced without the use of dioxins, which have been identified by the U.S. EPA as presenting potential environmental concerns, and it is easy to use in formulations. 

When temperatures above cloud point are reached in aqueous processes, Silwet DA-40 performance additive assists in foam control. This performance can be further enhanced when moving from Silwet DA-40 to DA-63 additive. These additives are compatible with many organic compounds, including mineral oil, fatty esters and silicone oil.

Potential applications for Silwet DA-40 performance additive include: 

  • Defoamer additive in the Kraft pulping process during brown stock washing and screening
  • Defoamer additive in paper-processing white water

For key features, typical benefits and physical properties, potential applications, and more, please download the marketing bulletin on this page.

* Silwet is a trademark of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.


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* Silplusは、新日鉄住金化学株式会社の商標であり、許可を得て使用しています。

*The marks followed by an asterisk (*) are trademarks of Momentive Performance Materials Inc.